
Clear and competitive prices

All prices listed are per hour.

Type of Class                                      At my house (Santander centre) At your house (inside Santander) At a public space (inside Santander) At your business Online via Zoom
Individual adult/teen 20 25 25 - 18
Adult/teen + a friend 25 30 - - -
Adult/teen + 2 friends 30 35 - - -
Parent + child Learn Together Classes 25 30 - - -
Parent + 2 children 30 35 - - -
Children's class
(1 child, 0 - 10 years)
- 25 - - -
Children's class
(2 children, 0 - 10 years)
- 35 - - -
Business class
(minimum 2 students)
35 - - 40 35

Pay for a month’s classes in advance and enjoy a 10% discount!

What are these classes?

Adult/teen + friend(s): Often people are nervous to speak in a different language, meet a new person, do something difficult (like learn English!) and it can feel easier when you have a good friend at your side! In these classes with extra people, we can have more conversations, games and fun; you can feel more comfortable and confident and you can save some money!

Parent + child ‘Learn Together’: Meeting a new adult can be scary for children, especially when she’s talking a different language! In Learn Together classes you being there with your child will make them feel more comfortable and confident and you can practice your English too! The amazing benefit of this class is you can model language learning for your child (when they see you playing games and singing in English they will want to do it too) and after the class you can carry on the fun without me - practicing the vocabulary, songs and activities from the class. Mums and Dads enjoy this class just as much as the children!

Children’s classes: For my youngest students these classes take place in their home because this is where they feel the most comfortable and confident (and it’s where they have all their best toys to show to me). This real life context helps maintain the routine of my young learners and we can do all the things they like to do but in English - we can play games, sing songs, cook, paint, have dance competitions, read books, do yoga… the possibilities are endless!

Business classes: If your employees need to speak in English then probably they need some very specific vocabulary for very specific situations. For this reason these classes usually happen in your workplace - giving presentations, making sales pitches, role-playing important meetings or negotiations. In business it is so important to be clear and correct - mistakes could cost money, so these classes focus on accuracy and pronunciation.